The Solar Magnet Read online

Page 4

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  McCready turned the plane again to the west. The truck halted at theirnew maneuver. As the plane passed over, it turned and again followedthem. The ground was approaching rapidly. With a final dip, McCreadyleveled off and made a landing. The machine rolled to a stop about amile from the building. The truck was less than three hundred yardsaway. It came up rapidly and disgorged a dozen men armed with rifles whohurried forward. In the lead was a tall, slight figure who carried nogun. Dr. Bird stepped forward to meet them.

  "Do you understand English?" he asked.

  An incomprehensible jargon of Russian answered him. The men raised theirrifles threateningly. Dr. Bird turned back to his companions.

  "Resistance is hopeless," he said. "Surrender gracefully and we'll seewhat comes of it."

  He faced the Russians and held one hand high above his head. The Russianleader stepped forward and confiscated the doctor's pistol. He repeatedthe process with Carnes and McCready, frisking them thoroughly forconcealed weapons. At his command, six of the Russians stepped forward.The Americans took their place in the midst of the guard and weremarched to the truck. The balance of the Russians moved over to theAmerican's plane. The truck rolled forward and approached the lowbuilding. The projection which Dr. Bird had noticed from the air provedto be a metal tube projection from the roof, fully twenty feet indiameter and fifty feet long.

  "A projection tube of some sort," said the doctor, pointing. An excitedcommand came from the Russian in command. A rifle was leveledthreateningly at the doctor. He took the hint and maintained silencewhile they climbed down from the truck and approached the door of thebuilding.

  It swung open as they approached. As they entered a strong garlic-likesmell was evident. The hum of heavy machinery smote their ears.

  * * * * *

  They were led down a corridor to a flight of steps. On the floor belowthey went along another corridor to a heavy iron-studded door. The guideunlocked it with a huge key and swung it open. With a shrug of hisshoulders, Dr. Bird led the way into the cell. The door closed behindthem and they were left alone. Dr. Bird turned to his companions.

  "Be careful what you say," he whispered. "I am not at all convinced thatthere is no one here who knows English and we are probably spied upon.There is almost sure to be a dictaphone somewhere in this room. We don'twant to give them any more information than we have to."

  Carnes and McCready nodded. Dr. Bird spoke aloud of inconsequentialmatters while they explored the cell. It was a room some twenty feetsquare, fitted with three bunks on one side, built into the wall likethe berths on shipboard. The room was lighted by a single electric lightoverhead. A door opened into a lavatory equipped with running water.

  "We're comfortable here, at any rate," said the doctor cheerfully. "Theyevidently don't mean to make us suffer. I'd like to know why they tookthe trouble to capture us, anyway. It would seem to be more in line withtheir usual policy to have shot us on sight. It must be that they wantsome sort of information from us."

  Neither of his companions had a better reason to offer and conversationlanguished. For an hour they sat almost without speech. A sound at thedoor brought them to their feet. It opened and a Russian girl pushed ina cart laden with food. She made no reply to the remarks which Dr. Birdaddressed to her but quickly and silently put their food on the table.When she had completed her task, she left the room without having spokena word.

  "Beautiful, but dumb," Dr. Bird remarked. "Let's eat."

  "Do you suppose that it's safe to eat this food, Doctor?" asked Carnesin a whisper.

  "I don't know, and I don't care. If we've got to go out, we might aswell be poisoned as shot. If we refuse food, they can poison us throughour water. We couldn't refuse that for any length of time. I'm hungryand I'm going to make a good meal. What's this stuff, _bortsch_?"

  * * * * *

  They soon received proof that they were under observation. Hardly hadthey pushed back their chairs at the completion of the meal than thedoor opened and the Russian girl who had brought their food removed theempty dishes. Silence settled down over the cell. For another hour theywaited before the door opened again. A tall bearded Russian entered witha younger man at his heels. The bearded man dropped into a chair whilehis companion sat at the table and opened a notebook.

  "Stand up!" barked the Russian sternly.

  Carnes and McCready rose to their feet but Dr. Bird remained stretchedout on a bed.

  "What for?" he demanded languidly.

  The Russian bristled with rage.

  "When I speak to you, you shall obey," he said in curiously clippedEnglish, "else it will be the worse for you. Would you rather bequestioned while in the _strelska_ than while standing?"

  "Not by a long shot," replied Dr. Bird promptly as he rose to his feet."Fire away, old fellow. I'll talk."

  "What are your names?"

  "I am Addison Sims of Seattle," replied Dr. Bird gravely, "and myfriends are Mr. Earle Liedermann and Mr. Bernarr Macfadden. You may haveread of us in the American magazines."

  "Their names," said the Russian to his clerk, "are Dr. Bird, of theBureau of Standards; Operative Carnes, of the United States SecretService; and Lieutenant McCready, of the United States Navy. Dr. Bird,you will save yourself trouble if you will answer my future questionstruthfully."

  "Then ask questions to which I am not sure that you know the answer,"replied the doctor dryly.

  "What vessel brought you here?"

  "The _Denver_."

  "What is her armament?"

  "Consult the Navy list. You will doubtless find a copy in your files. Itmay be purchased from the Superintendent of Public Documents atWashington."

  * * * * *

  "What is your errand here?"

  "To consult with Ivan Saranoff and learn his future plans. If he meansmerely to bestow on the northern hemisphere additional sunshine andwarmth, it is possible that the United States will not oppose him. Wewould benefit equally with Russia, you know. Possibly the northerncountries could form some sort of an alliance against the southernhemisphere which is already threatening war."

  "You chose a peculiar way of showing your peaceable intentions. You shotdown our plane without warning and you dropped bombs on us at firstsight."

  "But they didn't explode."

  "No, thanks to our ray operators. Dr. Bird, I have no time to waste.Either you will answer my questions fully and truthfully or I willresort to torture."

  "You don't dare. You were merely bluffing when you mentioned the_strelska_. If you tortured us, you would have to answer to IvanSaranoff on his return."

  "How did you know that he is--" The Russian paused and bit his lip."Shall I tell him that you refuse to talk?"

  "When he returns, you may tell him that I will be glad to talk franklywith him. I came to Russia for that purpose, but I will not talk withone of his underlings. In the meanwhile, we are having lovely weatherfor this time of year, aren't we?"

  With a muttered curse the Russian rose and left the room. Carnes turnedto Dr. Bird.

  "How did you know that Saranoff was away?" he demanded.

  "I didn't," replied Dr. Bird with a chuckle, "it was merely a shrewdguess. We have twisted his tail so often that I figured he could notresist the temptation to come here and gloat a few gloats over us if hewere here. I know his ruthless methods in dealing with his subordinatesand I knew that they would never dare to resort to torture in hisabsence. No, old dear, we are safe until he returns. I hope he staysaway a long time."

  * * * * *

  Four days passed monotonously. Three times a day the Russian girlappeared with ample meals. Despite their attempts to engage her inconversation, not a word would she reply or give any indication that sheeither heard or understood their remarks. The bearded Russian appeareddaily and tried to question them, but Dr. Bird laughed at his threatsand reaffirmed his intention of talking to no one but Saranof

  "Your chance will soon come," replied the Russian with an evil leer onthe fourth day. "He will be here the day after to-morrow. He will beable to make you talk."

  "If he's telling the truth, the jig's about up," said Dr. Bird when theRussian had left. "I don't fancy that Saranoff will show us much mercywhen he finds out what we've attempted to do."

  "How would it be to overpower our waitress and make a break?" askedMcCready in a guarded whisper.

  "No good at all," replied the doctor decisively. "We wouldn't have aChinaman's chance. Our best bet is to talk turkey to Saranoff. He mayspare us if I can make him believe